
Emotions’ feature

We are happy and we laugh, for we establish an intimate with others. While, we are sad and then we cry, for we may be alienated from others. Facial expressions and voice can show out your emotion.

It is a kind of emotions, more than any other difference, because of its high intensity, and that you are angry. It 'also common, and may be under intense scrutiny. Regards the duration of the relationship, which can be very different for each emotion. Therefore, the fear lasts a few seconds to a maximum of one hour, and this can certainly be due to the fact that it is accurate and unexpected stimulus, which inevitably leads to adaptive responses, such as running, the model is connected, disgust, and the rest to make the feelings may disappear as soon as possible.

Anger can last from minutes to hours. Because it is very similar to a person or a situation that has led to reducing the emotional experience, because the theme is always appropriate or that the situation is gradually changing, especially when the person is no longer angry with the members presented / hated cause. Joy can take an hour throughout the day, depending on the importance of social context. Finally, take a phrase from one or more days, and often requires a time of grief and adaptation to the new relationship.

Emotional control has some kind of effects. There is the implicit idea of a sense of history. First of all, feelings are mixed, then the following reactions, these reactions can be controlled. This concept is actually a simplified theory, the ambiguity can create feelings of adjustment may occur at various levels: individual (one of homeostasis) and social (social homeostasis). Reactions to download the reactions to the above expression, ie, to cry, laugh, and gestures are an important role in the homeostasis of the individual. They are also required and, therefore, relief seems to have been useful. In this case, the reaction is emotional self-regulation.

On the other hand, it is true that the emotional manifestations of those present at some convention and social homeostasis among individuals. They are both individual and social control are closely interrelated and the reaction of the surface is due to a combination of a tendency to spontaneous expressions of their control.

Feelings and emotions are so strong, on the grounds that most psychologists believe that to each other. You're in the observed behavior of the trends and values to the other side to express them. This does not mean that they are exactly the same tasks. Transactions between emotions govern inheritance bought our inner happiness and health. They depend on the harmonious personality, expressed in mental health and to promote the arts and literature.

